Russian airlines may be prohibited from selling additional services on domestic flights around Moscow that are subsidized by the government.
The sale of additional services on subsidized flights may be prohibited. The Ministry of Transport has developed amendments to the Rules for the Provision of Subsidies to Airlines for Regional Flights (around Moscow), which are allocated by Government Decree No.
It proposes to adjust the definition of a special tariff for transportation, the amount of which is approved by the same decree, in such a way as to include all additional fees and charges. Currently, it is defined specifically as the fare for the flight (excluding fees), and the rules require airlines to sell tickets for subsidized flights at a cost that does not exceed its amount. However, carriers independently determine the prices for additional services.
It proposes to adjust the definition of a special tariff for transportation, the amount of which is approved by the same decree, in such a way as to include all additional fees and charges. Currently, it is defined specifically as the fare for the flight (excluding fees), and the rules require airlines to sell tickets for subsidized flights at a cost that does not exceed its amount. However, carriers independently determine the prices for additional services.
Associate Valeria Doskovskikh from UPPERCASE LEGAL commented on the initiative of the Ministry of Transport to include fees in the special tariff, in an interview with "Izvestiya". According to Valeria, the Ministry of Transport should have categorized services into two groups - subsidized and non-subsidized. The latter could include excess and non-standard baggage, transportation of animals, and additional passenger seats (sometimes relevant when transporting expensive equipment). Currently, the definition of the special tariff is too strict, and additional explanations and letters from the Ministry of Transport will be required upon its adoption.
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