Аналитика и мероприятия UPPERCASE
2023-09-27 14:23

InvestPro UAE Dubai 2023

The 12th annual international B2B conference InvestPro UAE Dubai 2023 took place on September 25.
The conference InvestPro UAE Dubai 2023 showcased practical solutions for professionals in the fields of finance, corporate business, capital management, citizenship and immigration, international tax structuring, as well as for companies oriented towards international trade and investment.

Experts from around the world shared their business advice and knowledge based on experience.

Managing partner Alexander Kukuev spoke on the topic of "Setting up companies in the UAE." Alexander explained the legal system in the UAE, the necessary documents for company registration, and shared a checklist that can help determine the right form of future business.

The topic of the presentation by the head of international practice, Ratmir Proskurnov, was the taxation of dividends in the UAE. Ratmir thoroughly examined Federal Law No. 47 of 2022 "On Corporate Income Tax" and explained which types of income from participation are not subject to taxation.